Brian Wampler was raised on a diet of the most excellent 80’s hair metal. From Winger, Dokken and even White Lion he knows the three things you need to be a …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Brian Wampler was raised on a diet of the most excellent 80’s hair metal. From Winger, Dokken and even White Lion he knows the three things you need to be a …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Hahahahahahahaha! Genius! :D
Couple hours early Brian!
Are you guys still replying to those product question emails?
Darn you Brian I was like dang I have to get this pedal lol amazing video
I want 3
Hi Brian, genius!!!
you had me going until the built in fan :)
Awesome the bit with concealed vegetable was the icing on the cake
Lol the fan. You have a great sense if humor Brian! And the white lion guy
That demo made my morning =)
Hahahaha xD So brutal! I want this now!.. Greetings from Venezuela!
You defiantly had me going! Wasn’t sure if it was a gag or not.
That was great!
See you later March! April has begun with an awesome guitar pedal that
features a built in hair fan!
DAMN!! I want it just for the fan :P
I heard there is already a waiting list a year long for this pedal. :)
this video is awesome!!!!!
“that guy from White Lion”? That’s Vito Bratta to you, infidel!
Need a Kramer guitar;)
Of course, this is April 1st so I guess it’s available today only.
Steve Vai says: “Needs a bigger fan.”
Nice extensions Brian.
I actually went to your website for prices. Disappointed. :p
…”the guy from White Lion”…this is how much of tonal research took
place…not knowing Vito Bratta who was THE most melodic ’80s player with
the best touch on the guitar there is! And “I’ve made a pedal to get those
exact tones!”…first of all, Slash has got a ’70s Les Paul/Marshall tone,
Vito had a Carvin amp and George Lynch (while at Dokken) had a Soldano
SLO!!! So…which EXACT tone does this pedal get, cause I don’t get any of
So what pedal were you using???? lol